=== LinkEHR version 1.0.20240603 === -Added an alternate way to expand C_DV_QUANTITY as unit alternatives (instead of alternatives of DV_QUANTITY) to align with user's expectations and simplify mapping -Solved issues for ADL export after OPT import related to potential missing labels in source OPT -Solved problem when adding mappings (term_mapping) definition in openEHR editor behaving inconsistently with the any allowed button -Solved problem when adding units to DV_QUANTITY and C_DV_QUANTITY in openEHR editor behaving inconsistently with the any allowed button -Added icons to domain types -Added button for single patient xquery generation === LinkEHR version 1.0.20221128 === -Updated openEHR RM to define null_flavour as optional -Fixed ontological mapping functions not being able to find archetype ontology -Fixed openEHR specific editor when using the form for DV_QUANTITY or DV_PARSABLE with no constraints and user did not mark the any allowed check which could end up in erroneous ADL code -Fixed default DV_TIME pattern to hh:??:?? instead of the incorrect ??:??:?? -Minor: updated openEHR HTML creation XSLT to support lowercase Composition classs === LinkEHR version 1.0.20221031 === -OPT mapping cleanup process will also transform alternatives with mandatory occurrences into optional alternatives. This allows clonning Elements in mapping -Updated openEHR RM archetypes to latest available openEHR XSD -Minor: domain type replacement in openEHR templates will work for OPT with non-abstract events defined -Minor: external XML and JSON calls in mapping now propagate the exception to the XQuery lib instead of capturing it -Minor: Moved FHIR profile generation to FHIR menu -Minor: Visualization of templates now includes the archetype id instead of the atcode for solved slots -Minor: XPath for templates now includes the archetype id instead of the atcode for solved slots -Minor: Moved FHIR DSTU profile generator to FHIR submenu on Advanced utilities menu === LinkEHR version 1.0.20220923 === -Added an option to add standard specific default mappings to an object. For example, for openEHR this fills attributes such as archetype_id, name, archetype_details, encoding, language, etc. with the expected terminologies. Mapping is context dependented e.g. archetype_id will be filled with the archetype or the node id depending on where the object is -Full support for templates in mapping: mapping paths can now contain archetype ids, which allows to correclty put paths in templates -Now going to mapping view automatically expands domain types and turns abstact classes into the simplest non-abstract ones -Minor: added "java:" prefix to java namespaces in XQuery generation -Minor: removed exceptions due to old license parsing from startup === LinkEHR version 1.0.20210525 === -Solved bug with linux dependent directory separator -Solved bug in the creation of joint archetypes for mapping -Solved bug in the pointevent and intervalevent save of 'data' attribute -Solved bug with openEHR2FHIR Observation related to the use of constraint bindings -Improved FHIR logical model generation from templates === LinkEHR version 1.0.20200828 === -Added missing combo generation from code alternatives on LForms -Added a transformation from RedCap data dictionary to ISO13606 archetype -Added an export option from openEHR/ISO13606 archetypes to RedCap data dictionary === LinkEHR version 1.0.20200714 === -Update BMM parser to support HL7 CIMI reference model -Update archetype from XML generator to support XML files with paths not in RM === LinkEHR version 1.0.20200528 === -OpenEHR2FHIR Questionnaire: Support ADMIN_ENTRY class -OpenEHR2FHIR Questionnaire: Support EVENT abstract class -Export LKR can be used even if no mappings or integration archetypes have been defined -Import OPT, solves error when importing slot with no includes or excludes defined. -Support to arbitrary external xml paths in rules. -Solved bug where local repositories would be parsed more than once. === LinkEHR version 1.0.20200511 === -OpenEHR2FHIR Questionnaire: ensure that item.linkid are always unique -OpenEHR2FHIR Questionnaire: support to domain types -OpenEHR2FHIR Questionnaire: added units to dv_quantity transformation -OpenEHR2FHIR Questionnaire: DV_TEXT type can be chosen to be translated to text or string -OpenEHR2FHIR Logical Model supports DV_DURATION, DV_DATE, and DV_TIME -Schematron generation: Solved bug where additional rules could fail to be generated if the primitive object the path was pointing would not exist === LinkEHR version 1.0.20200427 === -OpenEHR2FHIR Questionnaire: Added support to DV_DURATION and DV_URI -OpenEHR2FHIR Questionnaire: Added support to openEHR domain types -OpenEHR2FHIR Questionnaire: Added support to answerOption -OpenEHR2FHIR Questionnaire: Removed always appearing 'enableWhen' attribute -OpenEHR2FHIR Questionnaire: It is possible to specify the basepath for relative uri reference === LinkEHR version 1.0.20200422 === -Added FHIR Logical Model generation from archetypes -Added FHIR Questionnaire generation from openEHR archetypes -Rearranged FHIR utilities in their own submenu === LinkEHR version 1.0.20200114 === -Solved minor bug with generic editor terminology bindings -Added missing library needed for schematron generation -Added missing xslt for schematron report visualization === LinkEHR version 1.0.20191115 === -Sharing archetypes by email and sending error logs to veratech should be working again -Updated references to LinkEHR Model Manager -Schematron generation for generic classes is now user controlled -Improved openEHR2FHIR process -OPT paths should be more readable now -It is possible to generate several Observation profiles from a single archetype by changing the 'Group' (which Elements should end in the same Observation profile) -Bundle profile generation from the generated Observation profiles -Composition profile generation from the generated Observation profiles (only available if archetype is a composition archetype) -Process now can handle Elements with no data type defined === LinkEHR version 1.0.20190927 === -Included function to get term names from a given code of arbitrary terminologies -Added mapping generation to openEHR Observation to FHIR Observation === LinkEHR version 1.0.20190820 === -Solved profile warning in openEHR2FHIR Observation generation when two or more elements had same label === LinkEHR version 1.0.20190813 === -Added rules to RM specific trees, fixed bugs where language, ontology, and rules views would not show under certain conditions -Reimplemented LForms generation from archetypes. The generated file is selfcontained and doesn't rely on a server to be shown. -TODO:Save instance is not yet available at the moment -Fixed bug with OPT import regarding wrong default original language codes in children archetypes -Added openEHR2FHIR Observation transformation. Any archetype can be used as input, even OPT. Select objects to put in the Observation, select where should end which object (Value, Component, or as an additional Extension). Optionally translations can be added. -TODO: Still missing some data types, XML comments will be generated if a data type is not supported yet. -TODO: generation is in FHIR R4, STU3 is in the works. === LinkEHR version 1.0.20190509 === -Fixed OPT export for archetypes with constraint_definitions on root -Improved FHIR2openEHR transformation, process now groups attributes in clusters when posible -Fixed bug when parsing adl archetypes with some specific errors that were not informed in console === LinkEHR version 1.0.20190418 === -Solved bug of unresponsible right click on archetype tree -Added openEHR demographic tree editor. Demographic templates can be safely edited from that specific tree -Solved a bug with variables translation to XQuery in object mappings introduced in v1.0.20190322 -Minor bugfixes === LinkEHR version 1.0.20190405 === -FHIR to openEHR now supports GENERIC_ENTRY and CLUSTER as base target classes -FHIR to openEHR now can process either the snapshot or the differential part of the FHIR resource -Fixed bugs in FHIR to openEHR transformation -Improved FHIR to openEHR ADL readability -Fixed bugs in OPT load -Fixed bug in domain type expansion in templates losing their original archetype -Fixed missing labels in object mapping form -Added DV_URI form to openEHR editor -Added GENERIC_ENTRY as archetypable class === LinkEHR version 1.0.20190322 === -More data types supported in the canonical schema generator -Fixed a bug in the terminology server properties load === LinkEHR version 1.0.20190315 === -Added the option to import ADL2 archetypes -Fixed bug when parsing Durations -Now openEHR domain types (CDvQuantity, CDvOrdinal) can be created on openEHR tree editor -Fixed minor bug in CDvQuantity form when saving intervals === LinkEHR version 1.0.20190301 === -Improved canonical XML schema generation from archetypes -Added FHIR StructureDefinition to OpenEHR archetype automatic transformation (alfa) === LinkEHR version 1.0.20190205 === -Revamped terminology binding window to support bindings with local terminologies -Removed a constraint that prevented more than one code from the same terminology to be added in the bindings -Reimplemented completely the sample instance generation process. Now works even for big archetypes such as CDA or FHIR archetypes -JSON preview no longer includes XML namespace and xsi:type attributes (types are just "type" now) -Added warnings when creating and mapping archetypes that contain abstract classes -Added CKM REST implementation, as CKM and NASJONAL IKT CKM both deprecated their SOAP WS. They are already configured in current LinkEHR distribution. If you need to configure more respositories go to Configure LinkEHR->Archetype Repository (CKM Rest base uri is https://ckm.openehr.org/ckm/rest/v1/ , Nasjonal IKT CKM Rest base uri is https://arketyper.no/ckm/rest/v1/ , NHS Apperta CKM REST uri is https://ckm.apperta.org/ckm/rest/v1/ and HighMed CKM REST uri is https://ckm.highmed.org/ckm/rest/v1/) === LinkEHR version 1.0.20190123 === -Added an editor to edit the terminologies included with LinkEHR. New terms and terminologies can be added from the corresponding options in the tab. -Solved bug when specialicing an archetype with no translations defined -Solved bug when specialicing which caused the translations on a given node existing in the parent archetype to be lost when adding it to the specialized archetype -Reworked CD, CE, CV views to make them coherent with one another -Solved bug with bad ADL generation when using any allowed EN13606 CE class === LinkEHR version 1.0.20181226 === -Added openEHR to 13606 drools-based transformation -Solved minor bugs in FHIR profile import -Specialized archetypes now have languages from parent archteype by default. -Fixed non-defined existence in attributes when showing flat view in specialized archetypes -Change constraint references to the corresponding data type for each reference model in mapping view === LinkEHR version 1.0.20181026 === -Solved bugs in rules definition. -Rules support the declaration of external documents as variables now -Translation of rules into schematron (beta) -minor: improvements on implementation guide generation dialog -IMPORTANT: Java version updated to 1.8 === LinkEHR version 1.0.20180928 === -Solved bug in ontology of extract as slot method -Solved bug with https connections when connecting to external archetype repositories and terminology servers ->Note: this was a Java 1.6 bug, so from now on the required Java version to run LinkEHR is Java 8 -Reworked ADL editor as a view. The most noticeable change is that it can be opened while editing the archetype. -Added rules definition (beta). It is still missing a proper parser. -Minor: Solved texts in archetype slots in specific and non-specific trees are now the same. -Minor: Solved missing occurrences on slots in non-specific archetype tree. -Minor: If a template created or opened, both title bar and Archetype tree are renamed to "Template" to better show what we are in template edition mode. -Minor: Translated new archetype and new template wizards to Spanish. === LinkEHR version 1.0.20180827 === -Pathway preview graph now refreshes with the table -Pathway preview graph now has the option to show or hide RM transitions -Added option to cancel the action (open archetype, specialize, etc.) if the archetype has been modified -Export ADL to Archetype Editor/Template Designer process also tries to rebuild domain types now. -Minor: removed preview graph + RM button as it is obsolete -Minor: Added tooltips to transition labels in preview graph to show the event name and description -Minor: Solved bug when closing ADL view direclty (not using the button), it would show an empty page === LinkEHR version 1.0.20180808 === -Added the option to use FHIR terminology services for terminology querying (beta) -Added the ability to edit the Pathway in Action archetypes (beta). Includes an option to preview the pathway. -Added support for the definition and parsing of bindings that only constraint the terminology (e.g. "terminology:ICD9") -Removed "data" attribute section from both openEHR Evaluation and Admin_entry forms, as it's always mandatory -Added support for FHIR terminology servers for terminology querying, XQuery transformations and Schematron validation. -Added "mappings" definition support on DV_TEXT and DV_CODED_TEXT -Updated XQuery function paths -Solved error with the generation of XML attributes from archetype default values (affected HL7 CDA mappings) -Minor: openEHR Observation form now reads "History: events" instead of just "events" -Minor: updated openEHR DV_CODED_TEXT form to correct attribute names. -Minor: Solved bug with export branch as new archetype missing terminology -Minor: Solved bug of specialized archetypes that contain slots === LinkEHR version 1.0.20180621 === -Fixed issue that prevented using specific editor with CEN EN13606 reference model. -Fixed issue with new templates losing some term definitions and bindings. -Minor: -LinkEHR version number is now correctly shown in title bar === LinkEHR version 1.0.20180614 === -New functionality: Extract all archetype business entities as archetype slots. This creates a set of referenced archetypes from a single archetype. -New functionality: Export Canonical Schema. This generates a plain XML Schema from an archetype. This also generates the mapping definition from the schema to the archetype in order to automatically generate the XQuery transformation program. -Added missing Folder class in openEHR reference model. -Revamp of local repositories view: -Added right button click to provide 3 new options: open archetype, specialize archetype, or create template from current archetype. -Translated all text in the information panel to English, Spanish, and partially to Japanese. -Double click opens selected archetype into the editor. -Single click expands current node -Added a mechanism to prevent the ADL visualization from the template (potentially breaks the template if not aware) -Template from archetype now defaults language to the original language of the archetype -Solved problems with repository definition -Solved problems updating local repository list -New template wizard fields are not editable anymore -Solved problem with first drag & drop from repository to template -Solved problem with node text visualization containing null nodeId -Solved problem with node text visualization of Constraint Reference on archetypes included in a template -Solved problems with Constraint reference editing on archetypes included in a template -Solved problems: -Fixed OPT/OET templates export: Error when no other_details were defined -Fixed OPT import/export: Missing constraint definitions and constraint bindings. -Fixed OPT import: Original archetypes not updated properly -Fixed OPT import/export: missing mandatory purpose -Fixed missing translated strings in English, Spanish, and Japanese -Fixed local repository tab order change when creating a new template -Fixed problem with automatic slot resolution when including archetypes with orphan at-codes -Fixed problem with missing texts on root nodes of automatically solved grandchildren archetypes -Minor: -Renamed "archetype" menu to "file" -"Resolve slot" right click menu option uses the included assertion as potential filename on the directory -Added "template path" to the list provided by node info view -Added a "What's new" file explaining version changes.